


Narratives of Europe

How is Europe narrated from its Eastern half?


Six subprojects deal with European narratives in (A) phenomenological philosophy (Carl Cederberg); (B) political movements (Anne Kaun); (C) geopolitical narratives (Stefan Jonsson), (D) visual arts (Katarina Wadstein MacLeod), (E) popular music (Johan Fornäs); and (F) news media (Roman Horbyk). The project organizes annual workshops and will result in individual articles and a joint anthology report. It links core disciplines within the Critical and Cultural Theory research area of Södertörn University (Media and Communication Studies, Studies of Practical Knowledge, Aesthetics and Art History), and makes them imminently relevant to the Baltic area studies at Södertörn University.

This website contains images from online open sources. Should you justifiably wish to claim copyright for any one of them, please contact the project team

Project book

out now!


Europe Faces Europe: Narratives from Its Eastern Half (ed. by project leader Johan Fornäs) was published by Intellect Press in spring 2017.


For more information,

please contact

Johan Fornäs

johan.fornäs (at)

Narratives of Europe:

research project hosted by Södertörn University and funded by Östersjöstiftelsen