


Narratives of Europe

How is Europe narrated from its Eastern half?

The project's principal outcome is the book "Europe Faces Europe: Narratives from Its Eastern Half" edited by Johan Fornäs with contributions from all project researchers. It was published by Intellect Press in spring 2017.


Other publications:


Fornäs, Johan (2016): “Trans/inter/multi: Exploring Disciplinary Crossroads”, Baltic Worlds, In-house edition (March), 10-11.


Horbyk, Roman (2016): "Ideologies of the Self: Constructing the Modern Ukrainian Subject in the Other’s Modernity", Kyiv-Mohyla Humanities Journal, 3, pp. 89-103.


Horbyk, Roman (2016): "Letter from the Ukraine Research Group at Södertörn University: We revitalized the debate on Ukraine in Sweden", Baltic Worlds, In-house edition (March), 41.


Anne Kaun & Iveta Hobein - Jurkane (2016): "Occupy Narratives in Sweden and Latvia: How Mainstream Media tell the Story of a Movement", Interactions: Studies in Communication and Culture, Vol. 7, No. 1, pp. 23-39.


Anne Kaun (2015): "When narratives travel: the Occupy movement in Latvia and Sweden", In: Julie Uldam & Anne Vestergaard: Civic Engagement and Social Media: Political Participation Beyond the Protest. Basingstoke: Palgrave-Macmillan, pp. 111-130.


Horbyk, Roman (2015): "Little Patriotic War: Nationalist Narratives in the Russian Media Coverage of the Ukraine-Russia Crisis", Asian Politics and Policy, 7(3), pp. 505-511.


Horbyk, Roman (2015): "Seeing Ukraine Through Colonial Eyes", The Clarion, 25 October 2015.


Horbyk, Roman (2015): "'Heliotropismus geheimer Art': Walter Benjamin’s Trips to the East and the Orientalist Confusions of the European Left", paper presented at ORIENTALISM, COLONIAL THINKING AND THE FORMER SOVIET PERIPHERY: Exploring Bias and Stereotype Representations of Eastern and Central Europe, the Caucasus, and Central Asia, Vilnius University, August 2015.


Horbyk, Roman (2015): "'Ukraine Can Not': Orientalist Discourses in the Coverage of Ukraine in the British and Russian Press Before the Ukraine-Russia Crisis, 2009–2013", paper presented at ORIENTALISM, COLONIAL THINKING AND THE FORMER SOVIET PERIPHERY: Exploring Bias and Stereotype Representations of Eastern and Central Europe, the Caucasus, and Central Asia, Vilnius University, August 2015.


Horbyk, Roman (2015): "Power(ful/less) Media: The Impact of Representations on European Policy in Ukraine, Russia and Poland", paper presented at ICCEES IX World Congress, Tokyo, August 2015.


Horbyk, Roman (2015): "Discrepant Metaphors: How is Europe Seen in Ukraine, Poland and Russia?", paper for the “Europe Faces Europe: Narratives from the East” session at the ACSIS cultural studies conference “In the Flow: People, Media, Materialities”, Norrköping 16/6 2015.


Fornäs, Johan (2015): “Europe between Community and Commodity: Communication, Culture, Conflict”, lecture at the 3rd Ph.D. Summer School of Cultural Transformations, “Commons and Commodities: Immaterial Rights and Cultural Solids under ‘Europeanisation’”, Södertörn University 10/6 2015.


Fornäs, Johan (2015): “Eastern Euro-Visions: Narratives of Europe in the Eurovision Song Contest”, paper for the “Europe Faces Europe: Narratives from the East” session at the ACSIS cultural studies conference “In the Flow: People, Media, Materialities”, Norrköping 16/6 2015.


Kaun, Anne (2014): "When Narratives Travel: the Occupy Movement in Latvia and Sweden", paper presented at EASA 2014, Collaboration, Intimacy & Revolution - innovation and continuity in an interconnected world, 31 July- 3 August 2014


Fornäs, Johan (2014): “Europa eller tjuren? Identifierandets korsvägar” [Europe or the bull? Crossroads of identification], Kristina Hermansson, Christian Lenemark & Cecilia Pettersson (eds): Liv, lust och litteratur. Festskrift till Lisbeth Larsson, Göteborg/Stockholm: Makadam, 74-87.


Fornäs, Johan (2014): "Eastern Euro-visions: Narratives of Europe in the ESC", paper for the Philosophy of Communication section of the ECREA Conference in Lisbon, 14/11 2014.


Horbyk, Roman (2014): "Games from the Past: the continuity and change of the identity dynamic in Donbas from a historical perspective", Baltic Worlds, 19 May 2014.


Horbyk, Roman (2014): "Synecdoche, metonymy or metaphor: how the press in Ukraine, Poland and Russia sees Europe?", paper presented at ECREA European Communication Conference 2014 "Communication for Empowerment: Citizens, Markets, Innovations" on 15 November 2014


Horbyk, Roman (2014): "From “UkrainEUkraine” to “F**k the EU”: Europe in the public spheres of Ukraine, Russia, and Poland during the Euromaidan", paper presented at the Annual conference of the British Association for Slavonic and East European Studies at Cambridge University on 4 April 2014


Horbyk, Roman (2014): "Ready for Use: Europe in the ‘Public Spheres’ of Poland, Russia and Ukraine", paper presented at the First Annual International Student Media Symposium “Transmedia: Transformation, Transition, Transgression” at Ukrainian Catholic University in Lviv, Ukraine on 21 March 2014


Fornäs, Johan (2013): “Currency for Europe: Monetary solidity, trust, and identification across national borders”, Marta Reuter, Filip Wijkström & Bengt Kristensson Uggla (eds): Trust and organizations: Confidence across borders, New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 19-39.


Fornäs, Johan (2013): "Gränsland i fokus: Östeuropa ur kritiskt kulturperspektiv" [Borderland in Focus: East Europe from a critical and cultural perspective], lecture at the Baltic Sea and East European Research Day at Södertörn University, 26.11.2013


Fornäs, Johan (2013): "Nygamla narrativ för Europa" [New Old Narratives for Europe], concluding speech at the conference "A New Narrative for Europe? European Identity in a Globalised World", organised by the European Commission Representation in Denmark, the Danish Institute for International Studies and the European Parliament Information Office in Denmark at the Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, Denmark, 21.11.2013


Fornäs, Johan (2013): "Vad står Europa för?" [What Does Europe Stand For?], lecture at the Stockholm Academic Forum owner meeting, 5.11.2013


Fornäs, Johan (2013): “The symbolic crisis of the Euro: Trust and distrust in the European currency as medium of identity formation”, paper for the panel “Negotiating Europe: The Eurozone crisis and its mediations” at the 63rd ICA Conference “Challenging Communication Research”, London 17-21/6 2013.


Fornäs, Johan (2013): Participation in the panel “A European Strategic Research Agenda for the Next Decade (ECREA sponsored panel)” at the 63rd ICA Conference ”Challenging Communication Research”, London 17-21/6 2013.


Fornäs, Johan (2013): "Europe from the East: Narratives of Europe from Eastern voices in the ESC", paper for the conference 'A Transnational Vision for Europe?: Performances, Politics and Places of the Eurovision Song Contest', Malmö University, 2013-05-15 - 2013-05-17


Fornäs, Johan (2013): "Den europeiska självbilden, symboler och skapandet av identitet" [The European Self-Image, Symbols and the Making of Identity], lecture at the Swedish Research Council Vetenskapsrådet's seminar "EU och drömmen om ett enat Europa" [EU and the Dream of a United Europe], Stockholm, 2013-04-26 (published at SVT Kunskapskanalen and UR Play 2013-05-29)


Fornäs, Johan (2013): “Old and new narratives for Europe”, concluding speech at the conference ”A New Narrative for Europe? European Identity in a Globalised World”, organised by the European Commission Representation in Denmark, the Danish Institute for International Studies and the European Parliament Information Office in Denmark at the Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, Denmark 21/11 2013.


Kaun, Anne (2013): "Critical Media Practices in Changing Media Cultures", UDC bi-annual conference "The Point is to Change It: Media Democracy and Democratic Media in Action", University of San Francisco, 1-3.11.2013


Kaun, Anne (2013): "The Occupy Movement as a Travelling Idea", Media Wire The Center for Global Communication Studies Blog, 25.09.2013


Kaun, Anne (2013): "Massenmedien ignorierten Occupy in Europas Peripherie" [Mass Media Ignored Occupy in Europe's Periphery], EJO: European Journalism Observatory, 20.09.2013


Fornäs, Johan (2013): "The symbolic crisis of the Euro: Trust and distrust in currency as an identifying medium", Euro Crisis in the Press: The Politics of Public Discourse LSE blog


Fornäs, Johan (2013): "Framtiden står skriven i stjärnorna", Svenska Dagbladet Under strecket, 14/5 2013, p. 25


Uldam, Julie & Anne Kaun (2013): "The Euro crisis in online media: civic resilience and social innovation in Sweden", Euro Crisis in the Press: The Politics of Public Discourse LSE blog


Fornäs, Johan (2012): Signifying Europe, Bristol: Intellect, 384 pp.


Fornäs, Johan (2012): "European identification: Symbolic mediations of unity and diversity", Global Media Journal/ Australian Edition, 6:1.


Fornäs, Johan (2012): "Pengar för Europa. Monetär soliditet, tillit och identifikation över nationsgränser", Marta Reuter, Filip Wijkström & Bengt Kristensson Uggla (eds): Vem i hela världen kan man lita på? Förtroende i teori och praktik, Lund: Studentlitteratur, 25-45.


And more to follow!



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Project book

out now!


Europe Faces Europe: Narratives from Its Eastern Half (ed. by project leader Johan Fornäs) was published by Intellect Press in spring 2017.


For more information,

please contact

Johan Fornäs

johan.fornäs (at)

Narratives of Europe:

research project hosted by Södertörn University and funded by Östersjöstiftelsen