For articles and reports of various kinds, see the complete list of publication at the end of my CV.
These are my main books and anthologies:
- Strömningar. Ett liv bland andra 2022 (autobiography).
- Defending Culture: Conceptual Foundations and Contemporary Debate 2017.
- Europe Faces Europe: Narratives from Its Eastern Half 2017.
- Capitalism: Current Crisis and Cultural Critique 2014.
- Capitalism: A Companion to Marx’s
Economy Critique 2013. INFO REVIEW1 REVIEW2 REVIEW3
- Kultur (Culture) 2012. INFO
- Signifying Europe 2012. INFO REVIEW1 REVIEW2
- Medialisering av kultur, politik, vardag och forskning (Mediatisation of culture, politics, everyday life and research) 2011. INFO
- Kulturellt: Reflektioner i Erling Bjurströms anda (Culturally: Reflections in the spirit of Erling Bjurström) 2009. INFO
- Culture unbound: Dimensions of culturalisation 2007. INFO
- Consuming media: Communication, shopping and everyday life 2007. INFO
- Kulturstudier i Sverige (Cultural studies in Sweden) 2007. INFO
- Reading the €uro: Money as a medium of
transnational identification 2007. INFO
- Två kulturstäder. Kultur och politik på lokala arenor (Two towns of culture: Culture and politics on local arenas) 2006. INFO
- Moderna människor. Folkhemmet och jazzen (Modern people: Jazz and the Swedish welfare state) 2004. INFO
- Digital borderlands: Cultural studies of identity and interactivity on the Internet 2002. INFO
- Medier och människor i konsumtionsrummet (Media and people in the space of consumption) 2002. INFO
- Passager. Medier och kultur i
ett köpcentrum (Passages: Media and culture in a
shopping centre) 2001. INFO
- Det kommunikativa handlandet. Kulturella perspektiv på medier och konsumtion(Communicative action/shopping: Cultural perspectives on media and consumption) 2000. INFO
- Advancing cultural studies 1999.
- Nätverk för ungdomskulturforskning (Networks for youth culture research) 1998.
- Cultural theory and late modernity 1995. INFO
- In Garageland: Rock, youth and modernity 1995. INFO
- Youth culture in late modernity 1995. INFO
- Forskningsprogrammet Ungdomskultur i Sverige: Slutrapport (Research programme Youth Culture in Sweden: Final report) 1994. INFO
- Kommunikationens korsningar (The crossings of communication) 1994. INFO
- Ungdomskultur i Sverige (Youth culture in Sweden) 1994. INFO
- Ungdomar i skilda sfärer (Young people in different spheres) 1993. INFO
- Moves in modernity1992. INFO
- Unga stilar och uttrycksformer (Young styles and forms of expression) 1992. INFO
- Kön och identitet i förändring (Gender and identity in transformation) 1991. INFO
- Speglad ungdom. Forskningsreception i tre rockband (Mirrored youth: Research reception in three rock bands) 1990. INFO
- Ungdom och kulturell modernisering (Youth and cultural modernization) 1990. INFO
- Metodfrågor i ungdomskulturforskningen (Methodological issues in youth culture research) 1990. INFO
- Rum och rörelser. Om ungas inre och yttre livsrum (Spaces and movements: On the outer and inner life space of young people) 1989. INFO
- Tecken i tiden. Sju texter om ungdomskultur(Signs of the time: Seven texts on youth culture) 1989. INFO
- Under rocken. Musikens roll i tre unga band (Under the surface of rock: The role of music in three young bands) 1988. INFO
- Tältprojektet. Musikteater som manifestation (The Tent Project: Music theatre as a manifestation) 1985. INFO
- Ungdomskultur: Identitet och motstånd (Youth culture: Identity and resistance) 1984. INFO
- Musikrörelsen – en motoffentlighet? (The music movement: A counter public sphere?) 1979. INFO